11 Washington Street

Canton, MA,

Perks of Shopping Local: Butcher Shop in Canton, MA

It’s hard to not succumb to the world of online shopping. With the push of a button, you can get virtually anything you need sent straight to your door. From groceries to snow shovels, you can even set up recurring orders, so you never run out. But what about your local brick and mortar shops? Shopping local helps support your community, you can easily identify the sources, and helps save the environment. Here at Main Course Market, our Canton, MA butcher shop uses locally sourced meat and ingredients so that you can feel good about shopping here.

Environmentally Friendly

Shopping locally helps reduce your environmental footprint because it decreases transportation costs. Additionally, choosing local farms and butcher shops for your meals also makes it easier to identify the products used on them. Smaller operations are less likely to use harmful pesticides and feed on their products. Meat sourced locally is less likely to be farmed in a factory, making it healthier, happier, and more humane.


Like we said above, locally sourced meat, like what’s found at our Canton, MA butcher shop, is likely fed a much healthier diet than meat raised on factory farms. This, in combination with living in a less stressful or more natural environment, means a better tasting, higher quality meat for the consumer. Another perk of buying local is being able to trace exactly what’s in it. Large farming operations are less likely to disclose each ingredient or product that goes on their product, while it’s often easier to get this information from a small company. Here at Main Course Market, we’ll tell you everything we know about our prepared foods and marinated meats.

Economically Sound

The increase in online shopping and big box stores has made it harder for smaller shops to make a living. Choosing to purchase your products at a locally owned organization helps support your community. Not only will you help your neighbor make a living, but you know your hard earned dollar will go right back into your hometown.

Our Canton, MA butcher shop offers high-quality cuts of pork, beef, sausage, and even veal. With a large selection of ready to cook and pre-marinated meats, you’ll have everything you need to take your dinner up a notch – and feel good about it. For more information, call 781-821-0005 to speak with one of our expert butchers.