11 Washington Street

Canton, MA,

Thanksgiving Tips from Your Favorite Butcher Shop in MA

With Thanksgiving around the corner, last-minute planning is underway. However stressful this may seem, remember your favorite butcher shop in MA, The Main Course Market, has you covered! We’ve compiled these helpful tips to make your holiday less stressful and more enjoyable!


butcher shop massachusetts

Turkey time

As the highlight of the Thanksgiving table, turkey preparation is one of the most important elements of the day. In fact, it’s so important that we’ve heard stories of people waking up at 4 am to prepare and get the turkey in the oven. We’re here to put an end to the madness by letting you know; it’s okay to prepare your turkey a day (or two) ahead of time!

Whether fresh or frozen, you can season your turkey and store it ahead of time. Not only will this allow added time for flavor to infuse into the meat, but it puts time (and sleep) back in your court. If you do prepare your turkey ahead of time, it’s crucial to store it properly. Be sure to cover your turkey tightly in plastic wrap in a deep part of the refrigerator. By doing this, you can help to eliminate the skin from drying out.

Sides are of the essence

Or is it time is of the essence? Either way, preparing certain side dishes ahead of time will also help to eliminate stress on Thanksgiving day. Below is a list of items that can easily be made and stored a day or two ahead:

  • Mashed potatoes. If you’re not quite ready to mash, store peeled and chopped potatoes in salted water to avoid browning.
  • Cranberry jelly. Good news here, this one can be made up to a week ahead of time!
  • Baked breads. From pumpkin to cranberry bread, these can be made 2 -3 days beforehand.
  • Roasted vegetables. Chop, season, and store tightly covered.
  • Desserts. Pies, cookies, and so on … all of these favorites can be easily and safely stored.
  • Casseroles. Although most casseroles can be made ahead, you’ll want to keep your ingredients in mind. Several dishes can quickly become soggy, which you’ll want to avoid.


From the team here at The Main Course Market, we wish you a stress-free, happy, and safe holiday! Remember to stop into your local butcher shop in MA, to stock up for visiting friends and family! We have all of the items you need to keep the stress levels low and the festivities high!